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01937 580980 

Aura Exterior Low Lustre

Benjamin Moore Colour:
Aura® Exterior Low Lustre is formulated with proprietary 100% acrylic resin and Colour Lock® technology. It delivers outstanding, rich colour and has superior resistance against fade, cracking or peeling. With excellent hide and coverage, this superb exterior paint dries to a durable, long-lasting eggshell finish.
Please note that as of January 2021, Aura® Exterior Low Lustre is classified as "professional use only" under the EU Reach regulations.
Customers wishing to purchase this product will need to provide proof that they are a professional end-user. If you wish to purchase Aura Exterior Low Lustre, please call us before ordering online. You will need to provide proof of professional status through one of the following options:
Prior trading history.
Companies House business classification.
A business card showing a construction trade-related business.
A company website showing construction trade-related business.
A CSCS card.
Please read the relevant safety and technical datasheets for this product before using (see top menu).