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01937 580980 

Aura Exterior Flat

Benjamin Moore Colour:
Delivering rich colour, with unprecedented durability, Aura® Exterior Flat is an exceptional paint for exterior wood, fibre cement board, vinyl, unglazed brick, concrete and more. With extreme hide, you'll never need to apply more than two coats. This paint has excellent resistance to deterioration; it won't crack, peel or fade. It's also mildew and stain-resistant.
Please note that as of January 2021, Aura® Exterior Low Lustre is classified as "professional use only" under the EU Reach regulations.
Customers wishing to purchase this product will need to provide proof that they are a professional end-user. If you wish to purchase Aura Exterior Low Lustre, please call us before ordering online. You will need to provide proof of professional status through one of the following options:
Prior trading history.
Companies House business classification.
A business card showing a construction trade-related business.
A company website showing construction trade-related business.
A CSCS card.
Please read the relevant safety and technical datasheets for this product before using (see top menu).